
25 August 2019

would you go to school if...

How hard parents try to train their children and craft their life, to make it better for them. So many classes and school and making their life hell :-D
And my cat? I just let him be, no school! no training, he is fed and he sleeps and chills out :D life is so much fun for him :-D
 I wonder if I am letting him do what I want  because he will live only 10 years... if  a kid was like that, life span of just 10 years would parents send him to school? or would the kid live like a pet? what if it was 25?would the priorities be same if they knew kid would live for only 40?

How would people bring up their kids if they knew for sure that the kid would live for 40 years only,  How would I live if I knew for certain that I would live only 40 years? Or 50? or only 10 more years?
How would I live if my death was decided and a certain event? I mean it is, but if I knew the time and date?

Buddhism has a meditation on contemplating death, that it can happen any moment, today or in another week or next year, not just ours but our loved ones as well.   It is so easy to forget this in this modern world, Also we avoid thoughts like this like plague.
I dont know the answers to the above questions? I can guess that if we had knowledge of shorter life we would probably spend time more enjoyably?  or not.

I should contemplate on that.

ps: Its not easy to contemplate death, we have some kind of firm belief that we will live for ever i think, I intellectually know and can think those things but I do not experience it. It feels like something that can happen to others but not me, like war, poverty etc :-O

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