
22 August 2011

Gopi Krishna and Kundalini

:-)                     [WARNING: TOTALLY OCCULT]
The latest book.
Well when I tell people I meditate, people are immediately interested! " I also want to start meditating!" "How do u do it!" I made one tutorial also - how to begin meditation and get on with it. I have lot of experience with false starts so I know the best way to get into this habit.
why do people want to meditate?
mostly it is  control temper, control emotions, peace of mind or with slightly younger crowd it is improve concentration and focus, brain power etc.
Seems like meditation is a very benign activity and very beneficial one at that.  but is it?  Most of these people who enquire about all this dont really get into meditation and stuff! and now I think thats a good thing!
because are we really ready for what all meditation can bring into your life? :-) Are we really really ready? Am I ready?
You should read Gopi Krishnas experience with meditation and Kundalini, if u are casually planning on dabbing into meditation, It may scare u away :P. but If you are like me, crazyly whiriling away into meditation and sprituality you MUST MUST MUST read. Trust me, you do.
May not be the most interesting read, but it is a very honest account of his experience. I skipped all the commentary by some westerner who analysed what gopi krishna experienced. not relevant for me.

BTW what is this Kundalini!?
Err...if u are not really into these things this will all be Over Head Transmission for you. Also if you are not really into these things go very light on meditation and pranayama also ok?
Kundalini is Energy, Psychic Energy which is believed to be lying dormant at the base of our spine. It is not the same as Prana. Prana is called life force, It is the energy which is behind all life.There is prana is earth, the sun, There is prana is all living things bla bla.. The mystical concepts are not really concrete..the definitions are kinda vague.. u need to read a lot of get a feel of what all this is.
Kundalini is not just energy. It is consciousness as well. Meaning this energy has a mind of its own, even tho it stays in your body.It is not something which human will can really control. It is supposed to be very powerful energy. It is called a goddess - Shakti. i.e Durga/ Gayitri/Kali. On the other hand, Prana can be controlled by our mind, u can pull in or direct prana like during healing etc. It is flowing all over your body this very minute. Kundalini is a more potent energy which can be awakened so as to say by meditation, by exercises, by concentration and sometimes by accident. As the energy is so powerful, it can play havoc with the mind and body, if you are not ready for it.. so that's why ancient yogis prescribed strict diet, and regime and yoga asanas and mind /emotional control!!! That was to prepare the person for the eventuality of kundalini awakening. They do not by themselves lead to any awakening. Having a clean mind and strong body is not necessary for Kundalni to awaken, but when it does awaken - clean mind and strong body can make the difference between life and death. between sanity and insanity. Kundalni will enhance every damn emotion, so any weakness like fear and anger etc can go so haywire and the person can go mad. similarly the body.. kundalni energy flowing thro the body isn't just a mystical/other dimension thing. It is very physical.. it affects the heat of the body, blood pressure, muscles,organs and nerves..It completely rewires the brain and the nervous system. Gopi krishna actually calls it the next step in evolution. Any wrong food, any wrong exercise can be crippling. Kundalni can also lead to weird sexual symptoms.. I think some of those fallen swamis may not be fake but may probably be victims of this.
It seems scary so why is everyone after it, why is it sort after? because even tho the initial steps of awakening are painful, there is hope of union with Divine Source(GK's words) Also occult powers... and many people get into it without really looking for it.. devotional people - extreme devotion to god can lead to awakening, Psychedelic drugs can also  lead to this- magic mushrooms,LSD, some say even cannabis..( If you are into Meditation or if u have a history of mental illnes in your family NEVER EVER even TOUCH any drugs. NONE!) Intense mental concentration - pranayama and meditation  - even done with no particular occult aspirations can also lead to awakening. But it is really surprising that everyone advocates meditation and concentration etc etc but no one knows the consequence of  it.. mind becoming calm and all are initial stages of it.. but invariably it unites with the Occult side of things...actually doing only mind control and meditation without occult study is stupid and dangerous. This is exactly what happened with Gopi Krishna.. and I suspect with infinite number of other poor people who are diagnosed with mental diseases and physical ones too...
One aunt of mine had very very high BP.. doctors were perplexed how she is alive with such high BP and not going mad, they tried everything didn't find the cure..or the reason for it. poor thing suffered a lot..
I think it was Kundalini - prematurely coming up.
The other symptoms could be hearing voices and seeing people... brain is being rewired and new senses are possibly being awakened...anyone who's even studied a lot of occult will doubt their own sanity in such circumstances... Imagine what will happen to lame person if this happens to them. Especially sad are those people who have kundalini awakened due to accident due to sudden knock on Cocyx or tail bone. Otherwise thankfully its not too easy to awaken kundalini...
They say scientific genius and artistic genius can also be attributed to higher than normal kundalni flow to the brain... just the right combination of brain and body and kundalni will lead to genius and if not right then to maddness... havent you seen mental illness and genius run in the same families? most scientists and artists have   close relatives who were schizophrenic - some poor people like Nash are themselves ill.. This is because kundalni is like walking a razor edge and those poor dears dont even know they are walking it.
It is the greatest wish of Gop krishna that people research this phenomenon.. it is not hard to test the effect of kundalni and the physical body but it needs an open mind. unfortunately not found in todays scientific community. ..
There is lot more to Kundalni actually, There is supposed to be a hollow tube in our spinal chord - Sushmana.. there are two nerves(??) or Naadi's which are spiralling it. Ida and Pingala -. This is all not in the physical dimension I would think. Ida is cooling and Pingala is heating.. in normal people the energy( Prana I would think because Kundalni is still dormant? but not sure) flows thru Ida and Pingala, but when Kundalni awakens it flows thro Sushmana. Anuloma viloma pranayama is especially effective in balancing the energy in Ida and Pingala.. and cleaning up the energy body.. good thing to do before kundalni awakens.
The western symbol of medicine caduceus seems to represent this concept. ( just now learnt that this is mistakenly used as symbol of medicine and isnt actually the symbol of medicine! oh well!)
BTW rumour has it that the free masons are supposed to know all about this but just like ancient bramhins they are hiding it! and trying to control the world all by themselves.. :-) 

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