
20 February 2012

this and that

reading so many books , gettng so many answers.. its wonderful.
I have to admit that what the spritual books say is right. u get the right books and u are able to read them only when the time is right.
Its the sequence.. if I had read the books out of sequence I wouldnt have got it.. It somehow happens that u end up reading them in sequence.
U may try and try but u will succedded at the right time ..but u have to try.. u know trying and making up ur mind that u will do something is sometimes enough to trigger off things and then they happen but u have to have patience.
I used to feel this even when I was very young.. that I always get what I want but not when I want it. It used happen uncannyly :) I wanted something obsessively badly, I wouldnt get it, then after I forgot about it, after an year or so, there it would be :) patience. so :)
Nothing happens by chance, everything happens for a reason.. I believe in synchronocity...

There is talk in the new age circles that something on earth has changed - for the better. there is more energy now ...more connection with ..God, the source..
I do agree.. I was thinking about reality shows, India has got talent....people have started doing things which they never believed they could do before.. so many art forms - parkour for example.. there is no technology. it is just with our boies. They are able to do what used to be inhuman feats now..
People breaking glass and rolling on it.. small kids with such unusual talent... the labourers dance troupe with amazing dances..
Peoples perspective has changed. They believe they can do anything and they actually do...
Movements.. anti capitalist movements, jasmine revolution, anna hazare, everyone has started caring about the enviorment.. we who dont care that much are also forced to care.. the earth has started caring as if..
vegetarians everywhere.. I find so many in the UK for varied reasons like meat costs more to earth and all.
World against interenet piracy, open source - who would have thought it would work, Java- it is all eutopian if u think about it.. yes I think the world is changing for the better and it is quickening too..
All those people being interesting in sprituality and meditation and practices and knowlegde that was secret and in the hand of few and almost lost is for everyone to pic and use..its overflowing some charge money for it.. many give it just for free.. its everywhere It started 100 years ago Vivekanand and Yogananda and Anne Bessant etc.. but it didnt catch on untill now.. Internet can be anyone's guru...
world consciousness is changing people are asking do I have to work to live, people are questioning everything!! Its awesome!
Are we living in interesting times? :-}

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