
21 November 2012


Now I understand why Al Qaida bombed world trade centre.
Its not about right or wrong but  Its about why
Justified or not I dono
It is just as unjustified as dropping a bomb on Hiroshima Nagasaki . is there something called less justified and more justified.. It was more shocking because it was an impossible feat and it was done.
After WW2 that was the first time ever that any western world civilians would have faced death like that.

There are lot of things I didn't know 11 years ago when 9/11 happened... for years I have seen Osama and Co as monsters.. but are they?
I knew CIA supplied arms to Afghans to fight Russians.. I knew they are messing with regimes a bit...Still Islamic Terrorists were villains, screwing the whole world.
But my perception has changed only now...after reading Book thief and Half a yellow sun. Strangely  both not about Islamic militancy at all. Book thief is a sweet book about Nazi Germany.  Half a yellow sun is about revolution/Internal war in Nigeria. What happens to people during war is the same, no matter where and what time. The reasons people revolt or go into war are also similar. Someone ends up creating a divide in the minds of people - Us and Them. and then Us wants to destroy them.

West has done so much messing around in Africa/Asia..
proxy regimes - rebel forces-child soldiers
Can they retaliate in anything else other than covert attacks?
That was the only way middle-east or Africa can retaliate. like how Shivaji attacked. Guerilla warfare. He would have been called a Terrorist then.
I can understand - how it must seem to an educated rich clever man like Osama.. how it must frustrate him - seeing west playing around with his country. What would u do? If THEY were doing this to your country, if your kids were killed by a drone? everyday?
Islam and holy Jihad are just words...They are just enemy. They  look strange to us. Thats how enemies always look.. Japanese with their Hara-kiri.. fascist Germans.. they looked strange too.
Ravana and Demons looked strange too.. they were actually just normal people... enemies. thats all. so are terrorists.
:( I dont want to call them terrorists.  warriors.
Is there any difference between pearl harbour and 9/11? Isnt pearl harbour worse because it was  king sanctioned  by a "civilized" country?
I dono anymore...
Killing innocent people is wrong.. but whole world seems to be messing with the whole world.
Terrorists or Soldiers They are all BAD! Actually Govt are Bad, Or may be we are all just one big Dumb humanity!

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