After reading Jonathan Haidt blog about how people reason about things which they are passionate about, I went over the discussion about morality of eating meat again. This time I went over with an open mind, trying to keep out my anger about narrow minded caste-ists out of my head.
I bought into some of the arguments. I think the way meat industry operates today is wrong. It is immoral. It is de-humanized. ( mostly de-humanized .There are farms which proclaim to be ethical in their treatment of animals, let us find out more about them)
Killing animals is not wrong - for an Eskimo, for Pigmy in Kalahari dessert. May be keeping your own chicken and killing them is not wrong. Free range farmed eggs is not wrong. but for most part the factories which abuse the birth cycle of cows/sheep/chicken, feeding them hormones to grow them fat, keeping them in tin size coups. all wrong. Industrialised meat is wrong. Industrialised milk is also wrong :( Halal is more wrong than normal meat.
Meat farming is not the only place humans have gone de-humanised, Grain farming, huge forests are razed to grow coffee/tea/corn/rubber/tobacco. GM crops and trying to make people dependent on seed is pure evil. Banking, Oil, Real estate, Pharmacy - every industry which is looking at money and profit and not at the people angle of things.- De-humanized....
... and its not just them... its me too.... I m using so many things in my life, I take it for granted, how is it actually made? I m so disconnected from all that. I m quite happy enjoying the luxury of my life. Shouldnt I be connected? Shouldn't I know how it happens? shouldn't we all be interested and find out? maybe It is time to take more seriously the question of who is making my clothes, my shoes, my watches, my TV, my petrol, my soup, my cheese... how is it happening? Its not all magic, Lets look behind the curtains. who is making them? at what cost? at what value? We should all care, only then things will start getting human again - may be. I think its time we became more human, we have gone too far into being machines :(
When I first read it, I didnt understand it. Blank. I read a few reviews of the story and only then I understood what she is alluding to. Who is the little girl in our omelas? May be we should have the courage to look at the little girl and then ...walk away?