
16 December 2014

my world is entirely different from your world!!!
Discussions on individualistic and collectivist countries have been somewhat of an eye opener.

What individualistic culture may look at a deviant or unethical or manipulative or non genuine can be seen as something very natural and normal by a collectivist culture where harmony is of at most importance.

One example was in the west, It is ethical to give a job to the most deserving candidate, if you give it to your nephew instead you would be considered a unethical cheat. But in some cultures, people would think what kind of heartless thankless nut you are, if you give the job to some stranger than to your own nephew! How much ever I am inclined to believe that the first way is right, to most people second way is the right way.

Yeah yeah we are all Indians but I think I have somehow turned out more individualistic than most of my country mates. I find it very unethical that many people in India pretend to be something else in front of their parents/in laws.
Dont wear jeans in front of my parents.
Why?  Is it wrong?
no. but parents are old and they will get hurt.
so? u will cheat them?
Why dont u understand?
Why dont YOU understand?

They value harmony not honesty. I value honesty/fairness more than harmony. collectivist vs individualist.

[Moralities course prof asked a very good question related to this, continuing this line of thought, if you found that your neighbours child is much more intelligent than your child should you be paying for sending him to better school than your kid ;-) ]

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