
6 March 2016

make a persuasive study to convince people to become vegetarians.

make a persuasive study to convince people to become vegetarians.

what are the problems with the way people argue about being vegetarians
1) They compare eating meat with killing baby seals or whales. They portray meat eaters are monsters. This may seem reasonable to a vegetarian but when a meat eater who sees themselves as a reasonable and good person, sees this ad what does he feel. If he accepts this argument - meat eating makes me a monster, He will experience disonance. He has two choices - one accept this argument become a monster and then reform. self sustaining bias will never allow the meat eater to accept that what they are doing is wrong. Its easier to just call the argumenter a nutter which preserves my self identity as NOT a monster.
2) They create group bias, Me and You, I m a vegge you are a non veggie, as soon as you make the meat eater identify themselves as a different group as you, he is going to apply all the good qualities to his own group and all the bad ones to you and WILL NOT listen to you an Out grouper.
3) One way of persuading people is being likable. most "be a veggie" campaigns start of being obnoxious. Instead of making people like you, all meat eaters will dislike you. so they wont buy in
4) Also they are already primed to not move from their point of view before watching your video. so forwarding videos will not work.

How to create a be a vegetarian campaign
1) one thing that may work is the fear tactic, eating meat is BAD for you. This is working.
2) Inhuman treatmeant of animals NOT by YOU but by MEAT Corporations.  This has made people switch to ethically treated meat ( which is also good )
3) Sell the advantages of eating veg, This has been some what effective and lot of people are eating less meat and more vegetables than before. 
4) question yourself, Am I really so concerned about animals or am I a judgmental ass? :P if later just stop trying to convince others and live in peace. If former, go adopt a couple of puppies from SPCA and live in peace :D :P ( and please dont feed vegan food to those poor puppies :P )

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