
16 April 2021

why do we say I am not good at this.

Admitting that I don't know something is a great quality, It indicates honesty and humility and gives me an opportunity to learn, which I would never get if I didn't admit it.

Saying "I am not good at this! I m new to this" to people, before starting a presentation or when showing my  hobbies etc.  It indicates nervousness, shyness and apprehension. This statement is a safety blanket against failure, used by me to save myself from humiliation and judgement from other people.  Its like a stab at humility! We say it to prevent others from saying "you are not good at this". We are worried about what people will think , isn't that fixed mindset? 

Ok people are judgemental! but the trick is getting past that, for my peace of mind, for my growth.  people WILL laugh at a bad drawing or bad singing. 
You can do 3 things 
1) not sing in public until you are really good 
2) Not care at all what people do and keep singing 
3) Note that people are laughing but instead of taking offence use that as objective feedback.  
Only 3 is Growth mindset, not 2.

When we dont know  Ask others Ah! How do u do it? We can say Let me try! No need to say I m not good at this, People will know that u are not good at it anyway :-) 

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