
26 April 2021

Should you ask for a promotion?

When I was not happy with my ratings at work and I told my parents at home. This is in my first job ( My manager had said I got a 4 but it was 3 on paper, or so I interpretted the situation, I was 21! ppl are stupid at 21! :D atleast I was! So we never know what went on over there ) 
After a few years in a conversation it came out that my dad was shocked by this, and he said he has never asked for promotions and hike at work and It was really strange to him that I am asking for better rating. Our work should speak for us was his moto! 

If you out there, never has to ask for a rise or a promotion, and were recognised for your work! Good for you. Well done! 
But What if, If you are that kind who didnot ask for a it and you dont get it?! 
So should work speak for you? Should you ask for that promotion, or that raise or that 5 rating? 

Does it mean your work didnot speak well enough for you, you are not good and you dont deserve it? Those people who got it are better than you? 

Nothing speaks for itself, I think the people whose work speaks for them have the organisation figured out. You whose work is not speaking needs a translator. :-)  
You may actually be - not good. Then u just get better!  You may be very good but doing tasks which are not important? You may be doing good and your work may be speaking but nobody is listening!?

Best would be to find out!  We could state our goal and ask for feedback about where we are now and 
how to close the gap.  I want that 5 star rating or that raise, What can I do to get it? 
Organisations are becoming more open and transparent and chance of this working is getting higher. 

That is the most growth mindset way to do it. We are all capable of improving.  Being open to objective and constructive feedback and acting on that feedback
State our goal our aim and then we can ask am I there yet? If not, how not? and  how to get there. 

( yes every blog of mine is about growht mindset :-) I find lot of our problems are because of our fixed mindset - comparions, self worth issues all are related to applying inherent and fixed value to ourselves and feeling ashamed of that value )  

So dad was wrong! Sometimes we get let our parents words or friends words infuence us so much and hold us back and affect our self esteem, Stop us from taking positive and proactive steps,  also make us harbour negative feeling about proactive people as playing politics or licking bosses ass.  

When they ask you to rate your self in the PDP, should you rate yourself a 3 and hope that your manager changes that to a 5!? No!? If you dont think you are good, who else will?!  Times have changed and so should the attitudes.  

Growth mindset

Comfortable trying for things people think I m not good enough for.  That people may be friends, manager, collegues, ... myself
Comfortable aiming big, aiming for things I may not achieve
Comfortable aiming for big things and failing
Comfortable being exactly where I am 
Trust my ability to learn and improve
Trust in my ability to deal with it, whatever the It is 

I m writing this to tell myself that is it ok! It is OK!  to ask - for promotion or that rise, for that last piece of cake! Its ok to ask for the moon and fail on a small chance that you may get it! 

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