
26 May 2011

scientific cow kakka

2 gems by V
1) If U sit quitely for half hour, headache goes away.( :-D yeah! )
2) Cold will go away in 7 days. 
(Usually my illness sequence use to go like this - 3 days nose run,Sneezing, 3 days sore throat, 3 days of cough, 8th day fever... dry cough for 2 weeks...but may be if it does not go in 7 days u wont call it cold, ull call it allergy :P)
People who are supposedly scientific... they make baseless statements - exactly like what they are trying to oppose. just that instead of coming from a 2000 year old book, these statements come from - science page of times of india.. or from some dusty corner of their own minds - supposedly based on science.

"Cold is caused by virus, so u wont get cold because of cold weather, or eating icecream or by getting wet in the rain..."
but!! I do!! When I get wet in rain or go out in cold, I DO get cold.
oh yeah? how can u? its not scientific! no u cant get!
Virus is ok.. but may be I get cold when weather changes because immunity is weakened or somehting right??
oh but we dont look at the big picture in today's medicine... we want a shotsighted view of things.. so what u are telling is non scientific! :-P 
"Its allergy - there is no cure!"(Thats like a blanket statement for all aliments )
Oh really! I did Jalaneeti and its gone for good! cold of like 5 years has gone and stayed gone for 2 years now! Scientific my ass!! If people were really scientific minded they'd look at how Jalaneeti cured the supposedly un-curable allergy! a few docs may subscribe to this, but as long as its not part of medicine study - Its a shame!
Burns - if u have a burn pour water on it.. no non dont put water, snub with a blanket ... no no water is good for burns.. no no.. Decide!!
"There is no cure for jaundice"
- but Ayurveda..
thats bull shit.
- Homeopathy...
cant work, not scientific!
It is placebo effect!!  if placebos work.. that means our mind has the ability to cure the body, then why do people have doubts about affirmations?  Why do u think u cant get the mind to heal the body by other means instead of lieing to it by giving a placebo? 
"If u shave or remove hair, it doesnot come out thicker!!" its in your mind! It just looks thicker when it grows.
now Come on! I have a distinct line on my hand - sleeve line. Hair below is clearly atleast 2 mm longer,darker and thicker than the hair above this line. Thanks to Veet and other hair removal products... 
Look! in todays science, if we dono how something works, we just deny it okay?
so  its all in ur mind!!!
LOL offcourse it is :) if u are Buddha!
Till I get there please pass me the blanket and u can use the "mind" to beat the cold :P

1 comment:

  1. Good thing to get all that out. Very lucid pic of your thoughtts.
