
8 October 2015

originality is overrated?

I get very irritated when people dont have original ideas, when they parrot societies or popular opinions. This is how it is done! elders have said! It is written in Bible! (or Kuran or Puran :P) I am screaming in my head, But why? Why not some other way? May be they were wrong?? have you never cared to ask?
God! These people should do some thinking on your own! Then I got thinking, Should they? What if they are not very smart? :P what if their original ideas turn out to be crap? :D Then aren't They better off copying or imitating other successful or smart people? I have seen not so smart people become quite successful cause their parents are smart and they copy faithfully their parents style and thoughts. Is that a bad thing?  Not for some! hmm offcourse its their luck that they found the right person to copy. Thats why societies made rules, cause societies dont trust most peoples' smarts :P

Then why get irritated m'am! ( Be condasending instead ;) )

What we do is mostly copying - imitating. Its not a bad thing, it is the way we learn. its the quickest way to progress. see kids. imitation makes them quick learners. that is a sign of intelligence actually. even cats and dogs do imitation :) Knowing whom to copy is a great skill. Copying is a good servisable skill but Originality is where the magic happens.
If copying is like breeding and originality is like the mutations, Its where the  growth and evolution happens! Originality is not over rated by friend, Its how life itself happens! wah wah! wah wah!

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